Shantaram Charlie Hunnam New Apple TV Web Series Season 1 Episode No 5 Recap And Review

Shantaram Season 1

Episode No 5 Recap And Review 

Just like old times, Lin, Diedre and Carla hang out together at Reynaldo's house. This time, Maurizio, Sebastian and Lisa are sitting separately. Kavita also sits in between them and marvels at what Lee has done for the people of Sagardwada.

  When Lisa confronts the manager who calls her a whore, Sebastian charms her. He then goes to Carla's table, greets Lynn, and then the group leaves. Back home, she kisses Sebastian and now believes he means it when he says he loves her. Lin admits to himself that he is increasingly forgetting that he is a fugitive on the run. He needs to control himself and stay on the radar.  

The people of Sagarwada give gifts and food to Lin for his selfless help to them. Kavita talks about her desire to do a story on Nishanta Lin and expose the medical community in the region, which is more bent on making money than fulfilling its ethical obligations. Nishant accepts and also invites Kavita for dinner. He answers in the affirmative. Khaderbhai and Karla meet Nazir Pandey at an event. They once again try to get him to switch camps, but Walid is on hand to warn him once again. In another report, Abdulla gifts Lin a Royal Enfield Bullet, the same bike he rides, as a gesture of thanks.

  Although most people in the society admire his beauty and strength, Qasim and Prabhu avoid interacting with Kaderbhai. Lin takes Ravi for a ride on his bike. He is still trying hard to earn his trust, but he just can't get it. Kaderbhai and Karla discuss the theme of the episode - guilt in crime, not the other way around. He loves his ex-Carla like a daughter, but he doesn't expect anything in return. He even offers her to walk away from it all at any moment without regretting the decision.

  Kaderbhai shows how he avoids evil and morally corrupt trade and invests in people. He funds various schools for orphaned children in hopes of getting something back from them someday. It's a pretty quiet conversation between the two, which shows how well the creators have tried to bring out the core of the novel. Lin tries to reconcile with Rafiq, explaining that he is neutral in Walid and Khaderbhai's fight, but Rafiq rejects his advances and instead spits on his hands. He also warns Lee of dire consequences if he stays in Mumbai.

When Lin returns to Sagarwada, Gasim gives him money in an envelope. He reminds the people, including Lin and Kaderbhai, that they owe nothing to anyone. It is a polite reminder for Lin to clear the air with Kaderbhai and say that the people of Sagarwada are on their own and need no one's protection. Lin understands and knows what to do. Lin gets flustered to see Kavita clicking her pictures and expressing interest in making a story about her and how she helps the people of Sagarwada without any personal interest. She frantically grabs the camera from him and throws away the roll. He walks away in disgust and Lin breathes a sigh of relief, if only temporarily.

  Later that night, Lin has to share the hut with Prabhu as Parvati is in his hut tending to a female patient. Lin and Prabhu continue their friendship and the latter reminds Lin not to take anyone's side over Sagardwada. He asks Lin to use the money Qasim gave him to pay off Kaderbhai and cut ties with him. People need him, but if he doesn't do that, they won't accept him. Lin goes to Kaderbha that night and politely gets the job done. Kaderbhai accepts her request and knows that Lin must do this to continue his mission. Maybe one day this seed will give him great fruits.

  Kavita is in Lee's employ and bribes the hotel accountant where Lee stayed earlier to get information. He writes his passport number in the diary. Lynn visits Carl and the two spend the night together. He explains to Carla why he is distant and doesn't believe in love. Her father abandoned her and did not reciprocate Carla's love for her. Ever since that episode, she doesn't want to be emotionally dependent on anyone and mostly keeps to herself. Lin understands and shares her secret of the theft with him.

  He says he needs a friend in Carla, even if they don't become romantically involved. They share a passionate kiss, but Carla stops him. Kavita called the New Zealand embassy in India to inquire about Lins's credibility. He discovers that the passport belongs to a dead man and that Lin lied about his identity.  

Episode Review

  The most complicated element that could spoil Lee's fairy tale is introduced in this episode. Kavita now knows his identity and it is one more step to send him back. Carla and Lynn definitely have a strong bond, and it's unlikely to add to her misery. There was a certain balance of interests in this episode.

  The power of the people of Sagarwada was demonstrated when they threatened Qasim Lin to sever ties with KLaderbhai.

  Speaking of which, his character is truly a sage with great wisdom. He certainly seems like a character like Don Corleone who is good at heart but still a gangster. This makes it difficult for the audience to choose whether or not to root for such characters. Shantaram, of course, began to pick up the pace, and now the real test of friends and foes begins for Lin. We're excited to see if it comes through.

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