Shantaram Charlie Hunnam New Apple TV Web Series Season 1 Episode No 7 Recap And Review

 Shantaram Season 1

Episode No 7 Recap And Review 

Along with Parvati, several other members of Shantaram's community start falling ill at the beginning of episode 7. There is panic all around and Prabhu and Lin reach Qasim's place. He reveals that it's the plague, something that Lee also pulled out.

  Qasim reassures Lee that they've dealt with this before and will do it again. He assigns various tasks to everyone in the society. A collective effort must be made to eradicate the disease. Lin promises Prabhu that she will not leave him without curing the sick and making sure that the loss of life is limited. Pandey and Sunita are vacationing in Lonavla. A bearded man wearing glasses looks at them from afar.  

 Sunita asks Pandey to be her secretary and rejects plans to move to Canada. He will never be able to leave India because he took money from Walidbhai. Everyone plays their role in Sagarwada. They have faced cholera before and are doing everything according to the established plan so that the patients will recover soon. Everything is new to Lin, who watches with bated breath. He also learns the meaning of the word jugaad, which Indians are famous for doing to solve problems. It is a quick fix without a reliable lasting solution.

  Lisa apologizes and apologizes to Sebastian for what happened with Raheem. He sees it in their plan to move, but it is unlikely that he will stay with Modena. The man following Pandey was actually Khaderin and he reveals that Sunita is a low caste prostitute. He saw her in a brothel outside the city.

  It freaks everyone out. To use Pandey, they need to find a way to keep him safe and under control. Madam Zhou seems like a good decision and Carla reluctantly accepts. Zhou expects Khader to kill him, but cancels Sunita's debt if he agrees to keep her. Zhou suggests that they get more than three girls from elsewhere to kill any doubt. Khader agrees and leaves Carla with him to see the operation.

  Sagarwada becomes a place of mourning when Lins sees Jeetu losing his life. He does not like dying even as his neighbors watch helplessly. He leaves at night and goes to Khaderbha. He asks her for help. It is then that Khaderbhai uses the term 'apo vai pranaah', a legend among the Indian people of the tradition of turning anyone who ever asks for water out of their doors. But Khader explains to Lin that he will have to tell people that the water is from Khader, even if Qasim doesn't like it. Lin agrees to the terms. Lisa does her job professionally and sleeps with Raheem at the hotel while Sebastian waits impatiently downstairs.

Carla and Zhou have some alone time as Padma goes to get the girls on her behalf. Zhou tells Carla that she needs to be aware of Khader. When he lied to her about not knowing Karla, she believed him easily. And he himself is an unreliable person. Who knows what she is hiding from him? The next morning, Khader brings bottles of clean water for the people of Sagarwada, thus cementing his status as a God among them. They chant his name and it sounds like a warning that "when the time comes they must repay the favor." This is the act of a true politician and Gasim is in a desperate situation. He looks at Lin in defeat, but Lin is pleased with the idea that, despite hurting Qasim's pride, he will at least leave without a guilty conscience.

  Prabhu also thanks Line for not listening to him and says goodbye to him. He is happy that Parvati is fine now and out of their hut, entertaining the kids with a rerun of the movie he watched yesterday. Nandita calls Parvati in and she sits and sings the title song of the film.

  Episode Review

  Lin finally does something for people outside of Qasim's approval. His timely actions saved many lives, but did people turn their future over to Khader? When the time comes, will they realize that they have unleashed a monster?

  That is, only if you see Khader as a bad person. His balancing act actually says otherwise now. It's a fine line between good and bad on the moral scale, and Khader often jumps it. We all waited for Lee to do something against the rules to do good. Episode 6 made it a reality.

  This episode gave Shubham Saraf who plays Prabhu an opportunity to showcase his talents. It certainly didn't disappoint and applauded the makers for keeping their love story in the limelight. This is something we can all enjoy in the rather dark world of Bombay. Carla and Lisa have also made significant strides in their futures, and the show is finally building momentum for something explosive. Watch out, the Shantaram train is firing on all cylinders!

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