Exercise and Muscle Soreness Sport And Astrology / Sport and Astrology

 Exercise and Muscle Soreness Sport And Astrology / Sport and Astrology

Training and Muscle Pain / Why do muscles hurt after training? 5 invisible reasons.

Training and Muscle Soreness / Pain in the muscles in the days following intense training is a completely normal reaction of the body to a strong physical load. Among them, you can alleviate uncomfortable feelings. If you spend a little more time stretching, take a warm bath with soothing oils.

Exercise and Muscle Soreness  Sport And Astrology / Sport and Astrology

But what if you haven't done anything supernatural, and your muscles still hurt? Here are several reasons at once that this type of reaction can testify to.

Do you need a break?

If your muscles are forced to work harder than usual, micro-inflammation occurs in the muscle tissue. And that's why you feel so much soreness 24-48 hours after training. In order for the body to return to its normal state, the muscles need time to recover, even with the most complete fitness regimen. So, if after two days the muscles still hurt, then organize a rest week for yourself.

Sounds scary. Especially for you, experts suggest that in extreme cases, you should replace intense strength training with less aggressive training, such as running, pilates or yoga.

Are you drinking insufficient amounts of water? 

Contractions/spasms/ occur when the muscles contract voluntarily. At a time when experts have not yet found out exactly what causes these contractions. They can assume that dehydration significantly increases the probability of their occurrence. Interval training, which allows you to change the pace of the exercises and their approach, and of course, at the same time, regularly drinking water during training can really help," says Brian Schultz, MD, orthopedic surgeon and specialist in sports medicine.

 Do you need electrolytes?

After a particularly intense workout, it is not enough to just drink water and perform a massage, it is necessary to fill the lack of such mineral substances in the body as sodium, potassium and magnesium. Which help ensure the correct balance of fluids in the body. Experts warn that deficiency of these important salts and water can lead to insufficient blood flow. Which, as a result, can cause muscle injuries, that is, pains and contractions. You can't call yourself a fan of sports energy drinks, but bananas, peanut butter, seaweed and plain milk will also help.

You are affected by weather or illness Exercise and Muscle Soreness

If you feel tired and at the same time feel nagging pain in the muscles for no apparent reason. Then it is quite possible that your muscular system is trying to inform you about the expected weather changes. Also, these symptoms, if we are talking about weather dependence: can be combined with mild nausea. Another common cause of such muscle contractions is a viral disease that has just started to take over your body. Try to take measures so that the infection does not cause more serious damage to your body, and give up an active life for a few days and replace it in favor of being lazy and spending time in the company of your favorite series.

Exercise and Muscle Soreness It was a great party yesterday 

Great, but a bit long-lasting. The problem is that if you indulge in more than 3 glasses of wine during the evening. Then the next day your muscles may feel as if you ran at least a marathon yesterday. Alcohol activates the immune system, as a result of which your body begins to actively resist inflammatory processes. In addition, alcohol is known for its diuretic properties, so the same process occurs here as when drinking insufficient amounts of fluid during training. Dehydration and the inflammatory response cause severe muscle pain> warns Brian Schultz. So if you don't want to be able to refuse another cocktail, then try to drink a glass of water after every glass of alcohol during the party.

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