Skin care in autumn and winter

 Skin care in autumn and winter

Autumn and winter are really the best period for skin care. After the sunny and hot days of summer, the skin becomes dry or oily, formations and irritated areas are noticed on the skin. All this is inevitable, because changes in weather conditions cannot be prevented. However, in order to prevent skin problems, we can take proper care of our skin and use only quality care products. 

Skin care in autumn and winter

Avoid alcohol-based toners and facial cleansers. Use softer foundations with a cream texture, as they do not dry out the skin. Facial cleansing foams that contain hydrophilic oils are very good options. 

Do not forget about peelings. For oily skin, exfoliate once a week, and for dry skin, once every two weeks. Scrubbers deeply clean the skin and pores. After a summer tan, the skin needs acids, which you can get through acid peels and creams. Before acid peeling, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist, choose the appropriate acids for your skin, and then perform the peeling. This procedure is prohibited at home.

After hot summer days, you should also increase facial hydration. Use face moisturizing masks twice a week, give preference to creams with a more oily base, which contain hyaluronic acid. Along with moisturizing creams, also use nourishing creams and serums. Correctly selected care products according to your skin will solve all problems with frequent use. 

For example, the problem of damaged capillaries occurs on cold autumn days. Capillaries are tiny blood vessels passing through all human tissues. As a result of dilation of capillaries, Couperin occurs, which is manifested by the visible expression of skin vessels. To avoid this problem, it is recommended to use cold-cream ointments, as well as creams against Couperin. 

Taking care of the face, we do not forget about the skin of the body and hands, which require no less attention and care. In the cold days of autumn, the skin of the hands dries up very easily and quickly, peels and gets damaged. To avoid this, always have a moisturizer in your bag. In autumn and winter, you can also use "cream-butter" creams, because they soften the skin better.

If you want to have smooth and beautiful skin even in deep autumn and winter, you need to use a body scrub twice a week while taking a bath. With regular use, it will completely smooth the skin. Don't forget to use the scrub for your hands as well. Be sure to use moisturizing or nourishing body-butter creams after bathing.

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